Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London"

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Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London" - фото 1
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Основные характеристики
    • Издательство:
      • Андронум
    • Переплет:
      • мягкий
    • Возрастные рекомендации:
      • 16+
    • Страна-производитель:
      • Украина
    • Наличие иллюстраций:
      • без иллюстраций
    • Язык:
      • английский
    • Жанр:
      • Зарубежная литература,
      • Общество и государство
    • Год издания:
      • 2021
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Описание Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London"

A lot of things that Orwell described as if happening in 1984 can be
observed in the nowadays world. However, he depicted the future that
everyone should be afraid of at any time.
The anti-utopian parable or satiric story Animal Farm is an allegory of
the Revolution of 1917 and the following events in the USSR. It shows the transformation of supposedly animal society: from the complete freedom after the cruel former owner, Mr. Jones was banished to the dictatorship of the boar, Napoleon.
Down and Out in Paris and London is a memoir in two parts on the
theme of poverty in the two cities, which was written deliberately in a nonacademic

Характеристики Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London"
    • Бренд:
      • Andronum
  • Основные характеристики Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London"

    • Цена:
      279 ₴/шт.
    • Издательство:
      • Андронум
    • Год издания:
      • 2021
    • Переплет:
      • мягкий
    • Тип бумаги:
      • офсетная
    • Наличие иллюстраций:
      • без иллюстраций
    • Количество страниц:
      • 360
    • Язык:
      • английский
    • Жанр:
      • Зарубежная литература,
      • Общество и государство
  • Дополнительная информация

    • Возрастные рекомендации:
      • 16+
    • Страна-производитель:
      • Украина
    • ISBN:
      • 978-088-0000-52-9
Фото Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London"
Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London" - фото 1
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Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London" - фото 1
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Книга George Orwell "The Collected Works of George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm. Down and Out in Paris and London"
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